
Research at American College

The American College aims at excellence in research and is fully committed to developing and promoting research activity.

Research, both pure and applied, being an essential academic activity is an integral part of the American College’s mission. Research and advancement of knowledge as intellectual activities, are an integral part of our educational environment that fosters innovation and enthusiasm for excellence. Research at the American College is concentrated in the areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Pure and Applied Sciences.

The Faculty at the American College aims at publishing books, papers in International Academic Journals, at presenting papers at International Conferences and at carrying out funded research.

The efforts of the faculty members for sustaining and developing research activity is financially and ethically supported by the Administration of the American College.

Research collaborations with other research institutions and organisations, also play a vital role in the development of research at the American College (see Research Activity and Publications).

American College, contributes to the society and to the academic community worldwide, also by publishing since 2002, The Cyprus Journal of Sciences. The Journal is a refereed publication with an international character and a broad perspective. It covers a wide spectrum of areas of interest and publishes empirical, theoretical, methodological articles as well as book reviews.

Also, the establishment of the American College Research Center, aims to further consolidate the position of the College in research. The Research Center, targets at continuous development, at enriching its research activities and strengthening the cohesiveness and the collaboration among its members.

Vision, Aims and Objectives

The vision of the American College is, through research to contribute to the Cyprus society, to the academic community and to societies beyond the borders of the Republic of Cyprus. Thus, our current and future research projects cover areas that sustain quality of life and performance, and contribute to a better implementation and monitoring of improvements and changes.

The American College Research Center, being sensitive to the societal needs as well as to the needs of the business world both public and private, has set the following as its main objectives:

  • To initiate, undertake and promote high quality research adhering to strict ethical codes;
  • To carry out pure and applied research in collaboration with domestic and international institutions;
  • To undertake research projects covering issues, that have an impact on the Social, Economic and Technical developments of the Public, Semi-public and Private sectors in Cyprus and abroad;
  • To disseminate knowledge and experience to academics, researchers, students and to the community as a whole;
  • To assist organizations through customized research services, counselling and consulting.
Research Collaborations

Faculty members of American College have established research collaborations with:

  • University of the Aegean, Department of Geography
  • University of the Aegean, Department of Sociology
  • University of Nicosia, School of Business
  • EuroMed Academy of Business
  • Hellenic Army Academy
  • Cyprus Institute of Marketing
  • Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) in Moscow
  • University of London, United Kingdom
  • Greenwich School of Management, London
  • Leicester University, London
  • Panteion University, Center of Oriental Studies
  • Cyprus Technological University
  • Departments of the Public and Semi-public Sectors in Cyprus
Research Interests

The many and diverse research interests of the faculty members, impact the development of research skills applied in research activities that explore key issues in different areas.

The research agenda of the faculty members, cover issues in the areas of:

  • Tourism Economics
  • Religious Tourism
  • E-Marketing in the Hotel Industry
  • Investments
  • Finance
  • Productivity
  • Economic Growth
  • Tax Policy Reforms
  • Public Administration Reforms
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Meeting Planning
  • omer Satisfaction
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Pensions and Social Insurance Systems
  • Human Resource Management
  • Knowledge Management
  • Performance Appraisal
  • Employees with Disabilities
  • Medical
  • Social and Biopsychosocial Models of Disability
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation
  • Political Sciences
  • Theory of International Relations
  • Middle East Politics
  • The Palestinian Problem
  • The Cyprus Problem
  • International Political Economy
  • Institutions-Development-Policies of the European Union
  • Analytical Psychology
  • Psychotherapy
  • Sociology
  • Well-Being
  • Career Guidance and Counselling
  • Organizational Change
  • Job Redesign
  • Job Crafting
  • Innovative Teaching Approaches and Graduates Employability Skills
  • Global Energy Consumption
  • Energy Policy
  • Business Strategy Development
  • Cellular Networks
  • Wireless Networks and Satellite Images
Linking Research Activity to Teaching

Within the framework of our research culture, research activity is linked to teaching.

The strategy applied to achieve synergy between research and teaching, entails the application of improved teaching methodologies and relate the topics studied to literature and to the existed research outcomes of the faculty members. Students are also involved in research within the framework of specified research projects.

Policy for Transferring Know-How to Society and to the Production Sector

The research activity at American College gives solutions to problems that sway both the society and the production sector. American College has established collaborations with businesses in the production sector, studies the problems that arise in the business sector and the society and, through research, creates knowledge, suggests solutions to interested parties and applies knowledge.

The know-how is transferred to the society and the production sector through conferences and seminars, by publishing the research outcomes in local and international peer reviewed academic journals as well as in the daily press and the social media.

The Cyprus Journal of Sciences

The Cyprus Journal of Sciences, is a respectful scientific publication of research articles published once a year by American College.

It constitutes a forum for displaying contemporary themes and issues. The journal accommodates articles in the areas of humanities and social sciences, pure and applied sciences, economics, tourism and management.

The articles are written by academics from various countries. The journal contributes to the development of knowledge and understanding of contemporary trends and challenges. The journal aims to stimulate the production of original research and to provide an academic forum for discussion on prominent issues. The journal was first published in 2002 and since then, has continued to receive the support of many scholars worldwide.

Contributions for the next volumes are welcomed. Please refer to Call for Papers.

The Cyprus Journal of Sciences

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