Διακυβέρνηση Κολεγίου

Πιστεύουμε ακράδαντα στη χωρίς αποκλεισμούς εκπροσώπηση της κοινότητάς μας στις λειτουργίες του Κολεγίου σε διάφορα επίπεδα. Υπάρχει εκπροσώπηση φοιτητών στο Συμβούλιο του Κολεγίου και σε όλες τις Επιτροπές του Κολεγίου. Πιο κάτω, μπορείτε να βρείτε μια σαφή περιγραφή των ευθυνών και τη σύνθεση του Συμβουλίου και των Επιτροπών του American College.

College Council


The College Council is responsible for defining and approving the College mission and for appointing the Director of the College. The Director is appointed in June of every odd year. The appointment begins in the following September and is valid for 24 months. The College Council assigns the management of the College and the College policy making to the Director. The Director is responsible for reporting to the College Council anything related to the financial status and the stability of the College. The College Council, through the Director is responsible for the financial viability of the College programs of study and for the College governance issues.

In addition, the College Council advises the Director of the College on issues related to:

  1. The curricula of the College programs of study;
  2. The requirements for admission, good academic standing and graduation of students; and
  3. The College internal regulations.


  1. Director of the Company-owner of the College (Chairperson) (1)
  2. Department Head  (1)
  3. President of Students’ Union (1)

The Department Head who is a member of the council is appointed by the Director in September of every year and his/her membership is valid for the next 12 months. The Director has the right to re-appoint a Department Head as a member of this council.

Academic Committee


The Committee has the authority on all matters affecting the establishment of curricula, the fixing of standards of instruction, the determination of requirements for degrees and generally the formulation of the educational policy of the College in such matters. Specifically, the Academic Committee is responsible for:

  1. Assessing existing and developing new programs of study;
  2. Setting up and continuously monitoring academic standards;
  3. Setting up and supervising the implementation of admission requirements;
  4. Reviewing regularly the college admission requirements;
  5. Developing, assessing and modifying methods of teaching;
  6. Setting up examination procedures and regulations;
  7. Upgrading methods of student assessment;
  8. Establishing the graduation requirements for all qualifications;
  9. Modifying, reviewing, developing and assessing programs of study;
  10. Allocating academic responsibilities to members of the faculty; and
  11. Dealing with all matters affecting educational policy.

The Committee also handles unresolved disputes that may arise from a student who believes that a final grade received in a course does not represent a fair evaluation of his or her performance.


The Academic Committee consists of the following:

  1. Department Head (Chairperson)
  2. Department Heads
  3. Director of Administration
  4. Director of Admissions
  5. Director of Research Department
  6. Student Welfare Officer
  7. President of Students’ Union

The Department Head chairing the committee is appointed by the Director in September of every year and his/her chairmanship is valid for the next 12 months. The Director has the right to re-appoint a Department Head to chair this committee.

Administrative Committee


The Committee is responsible for all matters affecting the normal operation and administration of the College.

Specifically, the Administrative Committee is responsible for:

  1. Recommending investment on facilities and services;
  2. Supervising facilities maintenance;
  3. Providing feedback and assistance as needed to the College Council;
  4. Co-ordinating the operations of administration;
  5. Overseeing the operations of the campus facilities such as the College library and computer laboratories;
  6. Monitoring extracurricular activities organized by the College such as cultural activities and student trips;
  7. Co-ordinating student accommodation;
  8. Establishing criteria for scholarships and awards;
  9. Promoting student welfare, safety and security; and
  10. Overseeing the normal operation of the student union.


The Administrative Committee consists of the following:

  1. Director (Chairperson)
  2. Department Head
  3. Director of Administration
  4. Director of Admissions
  5. Student Welfare Officer
  6. President of Students’ Union

The Department Head who is a member of the committee is appointed by the Director in September of every year and his/her membership is valid for the next 12 months. The Director has the right to re-appoint a Department Head as a member of this committee.

Disciplinary Committee


The Disciplinary Committee has jurisdiction in all cases involving violations of College regulations. Further, the Committee exercises superintending control if there is probable cause to believe that elementary principles of fairness and justice are being or will be violated. The Disciplinary Committee is empowered to hear cases referred to it by the Director and the Student Welfare Officer and in hearing such cases the Disciplinary Committee may: 

  1. Require payment of the cost of any property damaged or stolen;
  2. Suspend or dismiss a student from the College; and
  3. Take whatever action it deems necessary to restore order and fairness.

Principles of Discipline

  1. The Disciplinary Committee has a general disciplinary authority over all registered students of the College;
  2. Students are held responsible for conducting themselves in conformity with the moral and legal restraints found in any law-abiding community. Moreover, it is the responsibility of every student to obey and to support the enforcement of the Code of Ethics;
  3. Every student is responsible for becoming acquainted with all rules, regulations and policies of the College. The College reserves the right to change its Regulations without prior notification; and
  4. Hearings of all offences are governed by the principles of natural justice.


The Committee is comprised of the following:

  1. Director of Administration (Chairperson)
  2. Department Head
  3. Director of Admissions
  4. Student Welfare Officer
  5. President of Students’ Union

The Department Head who is a member of the committee is appointed by the Director in September of every year and his/her membership is valid for the next 12 months. The Director has the right to re-appoint a Department Head as a member of this committee.

Quality Assurance Committee


The Committee is responsible for all matters related to maintaining and improving the quality of education provided by the College. Specifically, the Quality Assurance Committee is responsible for the following:

  1. cultivation of perceptions and behaviors that recognize the importance of quality and its assurance for the accomplishment of the College work;
  2. application of a policy and associated procedures for ensuring the quality and standards in relation to the programs of study offered and the qualification titles awarded;
  3. operation of formal mechanisms for the approval, monitoring and periodic review and where necessary revision of the programs of study offered and the qualification titles awarded;
  4. ensuring that the students’ assessment on the basis of published criteria, regulations and procedures is applied consistently;
  5. possession by the teaching staff of the necessary qualifications and skills in relation to the teaching it is required to perform, as well as possession of the data documenting the degree of competency of the teaching staff;
  6. the adequacy and suitability of learning resources for each program of study offered for the purpose of supporting the process of student learning;
  7. collection, analysis and use of all data related to the effectiveness and efficiency of the management of the programs of study offered and other educational activities; and
  8. publication, in printed and electronic form, at regular intervals, an up to date, impartial and objective report regarding the programs of study offered and other educational activities as well as the qualifications titles awarded.

Apart from the above the committee is responsible for the following:

  1. coordination of the preparation of special self-assessment reports in relation to the external accreditation of the College, in accordance with the standards applicable to these reports set and published by the Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education; and
  2. preparation of the general assessment reports of the College for submission to the Agency, concerning the College as a whole and including data on a number of key quality indicators published by the Agency.


The Committee is comprised of the following:

  1. Department Head responsible for the overall College academic affairs (Chairperson)
  2. Faculty member
  3. Faculty member
  4. Faculty member
  5. Member with experience in quality assurance
  6. Member with experience in quality assurance
  7. Undergraduate students’ representative
  8. Postgraduate student’s representative
  9. Administration staff representative


  1. One of the students’ representative must be a Distance Education student
  2. At least one student must be present
  3. Student’s representatives are appointed by the Student Union
  4. External Stakeholders can also participate as external consultants
Departmental Quality Assurance Committees


Each committee is responsible for:

  1. the proportional application of the standards provided for in article 12 of the “Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Higher Education and the Establishment and Operation of an Agency for Related Issues” law and related regulations, for the purpose of ensuring the internal quality of the Department.
  2. to assist the work of the Quality Assurance Committee in the preparation of the special self-assessment reports in relation to the External Evaluations of the Department and its programs of study, in accordance with the standards specified and published by the Agency.
  3. the analysis of the internal strengths and weaknesses of the college, the department and the programs of study of the department as well as external factors which create opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis) for the achievement of their goals. The evaluation of the Department or a program of study will focus but will not be limited to, the following elements of the educational work of the college/department or program of study:
  • the effectiveness of the teaching work and the resources available for that purpose
  • the programs and the titles of study in relation to the scientific and professional objectives of each program of study or the College
  • the research work and its synergy with teaching
  • the administration, student welfare and teaching support services
  • the adequacy in the number and quality of the academic and teaching staff

The analysis and any attached data will be forwarded to the Quality Assurance Committee to facilitate its work and will be an integral part of the application for Institutional and Program of Study evaluation.


Business Department Committee

The Committee is comprised of the following:

  1. Department Head (Chairperson)
  2. Faculty Member of department
  3. External stakeholder
  4. Student studying in the 3rd year of an undergraduate program of study of the department

The Faculty Member and the Student who are members of the committee are appointed by the Department Head in October of every year and their membership is valid for the next 12 months. The Department Head has the right to re-appoint a Faculty Member as a member of this committee.

Hospitality & Tourism Department Committee

The Committee is comprised of the following:

  1. Department Head (Chairperson)
  2. Faculty Member of department
  3. Student studying in the 3rd year of an undergraduate program of study of the department

The Faculty Member and the Student who are members of the committee are appointed by the Department Head in October of every year and their membership is valid for the next 12 months. The Department Head has the right to re-appoint a Faculty Member as a member of this committee.

Science & Engineering Department Committee

The Committee is comprised of the following:

  1. Department Head (Chairperson)
  2. Faculty Member of department
  3. Student studying in the 3rd year of an undergraduate program of study of the department

The Faculty Member and the Student who are members of the committee are appointed by the Department Head in October of every year and their membership is valid for the next 12 months. The Department Head has the right to re-appoint a Faculty Member as a member of this committee.

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