Donation of clothes to PASYKAF

American College’s Student Representative Christos Antoniou and Marketing Manager Yannis Ioannou, visited PASYKAF offices on 24 January 2023, and donated clothes that were gathered by the AC Students and teaching and administration staff.

The Cyprus Association of Cancer Patients and Friends (PASYKAF) is a non-profit organization aiming to offer patients financial and professional support. American College’s mission is to contribute to the local community through scholarships, fundraising campaigns, and offering its premises to charities.

Our students happily volunteer their time for great causes such as this one and also receive awards and certificates for their good deeds.

Κύλιση στην κορυφή
Εκδήλωση ενδιαφέροντος για παρακολούθηση προγράμματος σπουδών του American College
Παρακαλώ συμπληρώστε τις πιο κάτω πληροφορίες και ένα μέλος του προσωπικού του American College θα επικοινωνήσει μαζί σας σύντομα.
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