Anastasia Apostolidou of G. Charalambous group gave a presentation on Marketing

Ms. Anastasia Apostolidou, Marketing & Communications Manager of G. Charalambous group, presented an one-hour webinar on “Marketing during COVID” for AC Business Administration and Digital Marketing students. G. Charalambous group is the producer of G. Charalambous coffee and importer of Ahmad tea and many other similar products.

Student learned via a real-life case study about marketing principles and common marketing practices. This was the first Business Administration seminar that AC organized since the pandemic. Each year, American College invites successful professionals, so they pass their knowledge, market trends, and experience to AC students.

We strongly believe that guest speakers, such as Anastasia Apostolidou, can inspire young people about possible opportunities, and broaden their horizons to see the world outside of their classes.

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