AC students participated in food carving workshops headed by renown Photis Photiou

Culinary Arts students on 11 December 2018 attended three two-hour workshops organized by AC on “Food Carving”. The instructor of this seminar was Photis Photiou, a multi-awarded chef renowned for his unique food carving techniques.

Food carving is the art of sculpturing vegetables and originates from Asia. AC Students had the opportunity to use special carving knives and create unique pieces of decorative art.

The workshops were part of the “Garde Manger” course, which exposes students to cold food preparation and display techniques. Students practice the preparation of salads, salad dressings, pickling, smoking, sandwiches, hors d’ oeuvres, finger foods, canapés, and other related subjects. Each year, American College invites successful professionals, so that they pass on their knowledge, market trends, and experience to AC students. We strongly believe that guest speakers, such as Photis Photiou, can inspire young people about possible opportunities, and broaden their horizons to see the world outside of their classes.

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