Social responsibility is fundamental to American College and is demonstrated by its varied contribution to society. American College’s contribution to society comes in the following forms:
Provision of Scholarships
American College provides many scholarships to secondary school graduates and other individuals and organizations of Cyprus, European Union and Third Countries.
Support to Voluntary, Charitable and Non-Profit Organizations and Associations
American College supports the activities of several voluntary, charitable and non-profit organizations and associations in order that they achieve their specific objectives. Support is provided in the form of sponsorships or financial contributions, provision of free access to College facilities and services, as well as support from volunteers consisting of College faculty, administration staff and students. Over the past years, American College has supported the following organizations and associations:

Cyprus Association of Cancer Patients and Friends (PASYKAF)
Founded in 1986 by 21 people with cancer experience and other devoted friends, PASYKAF has evolved into an organization of thousands of members and supporters, providing professional health and home palliative care services to cancer patients, as well as prevention programs.
They went public, sending out the message that yes, they have had cancer but they are still here. They have opened their arms to welcome more and more people with cancer experience who were isolated and frightened.
Their purpose is to change the mentality, not only of society, but also of scientists and the state so that the patients feel that they are there for them. Their aim is to demand improvements in cancer patients treatments and to distinguish what is true or false in many cancer issues.

Cyprus Myopathy Association (MDA Cyprus)
The Cyprus Myopathy Association (MDA Cyprus), was founded in 1986 and its members are children and adults, from all over Cyprus.
The aims of the Cyprus Myopathy Association are to secure and provide medical care, mobility assistance and support to its members, to promote measures for more active participation of the state and society in all areas related to Myopathies and to organize lectures and events for informing members on research or other matters concerning them.

The Association of Parents and Friends of Children with Heart Disease
The Association of Parents and Friends of Heart Diseased Children was founded in 1985 by parents of heart diseased children with the main concern of supporting the children themselves and their families in every way. In recent years, our companions and allies are the sufferers themselves who support the work and actions of the Association.

The Cyprus Anti-Cancer Society
The Cyprus Anti-Cancer Society (established in 1971) is a registered Charity Organization that cares for people with cancer providing them with complete Palliative Care Services in line with international standards. Their aim is to support the patients' families and caregivers, but also inform the wider public about cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment and relief.
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