We know how it feels to start your higher education studies and we work hard to make things easy for you, especially in the initial few weeks.
Therefore, at the beginning of each semester, new Cypriot and international students participate in one of the orientation seminars. Each orientation seminar concludes with a tour of all College facilities. Particular attention is given to the College library, where students are introduced to the variety of services it has to offer. Orientation seminars and tours run before the start of each semester and during the first few weeks of each semester.
During the orientation seminars, students are exposed to a variety of information relating to their studies and the College in general. They learn about the College operations, student services and campus facilities and become acquainted with the College structure, its officers and staff.

Moreover, students are exposed to and thoroughly briefed on issues such as their rights and responsibilities and on matters such as academic regulations, graduation requirements, assessment and grading. A very important part of the orientation for a student is getting to know the role of a student advisor. Student advisors help students prepare for their academic year, review the courses needed to fulfil graduation requirements and assist them in setting educational and career goals.
American College provides its students with a student orientation handbook, and it is the students’ responsibility to familiarize themselves with its contents. The handbook contains information about College registration and enrollment in courses, services provided to students, activities available to students, registration of international students with the Cyprus Migration Department and important academic regulations. Additionally, in the handbook a student will find information about Cyprus and its cities, housing and accommodation in Nicosia and other useful information to help a student find his/her way such as information on shopping, nightlife and banking facilities.