Accounting – Bachelor’s Degree

Business Administration

Specialization: Accounting

9 ACCA Exemptions!

Level of Qualification:

Bachelor Degree


4 Years

ECTS credits:


Language of Instruction:


Students enrolled in this program earn a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration with specialization Accounting. The program seeks to prepare students for leadership roles in profit and non-profit organizations and for post-baccalaureate studies in business.

Career Prospects and Access to Further Studies

Graduates of this program have the opportunity to work in the following organizations and professions and/or continue their studies in a Master’s program in the field of Accounting, Business Administration, Finance, Economics, etc.:

  • Audit firms, accounting offices and tax offices,
  • Service, trade or industry companies,
  • Banks,
  • Public and semi-public organizations and
  • Educators or consultants/researchers related to accounting and business administration.

Professional Certifications

This program is an Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants (ACCA)
Accredited Program. Graduates of this program are exempted from the 9 out of
the 13 examinations of the professional accounting body ACCA.


This program of study is accredited by the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (CYQAA). CYQAA is the competent authority of the Republic of Cyprus responsible for ensuring the quality of higher education in Cyprus and for the support of the processes provided by the relevant Legislation, for the continuous improvement and upgrading of higher education institutions and their programs of study.


The qualification awarded is recognized by the Cyprus Council of Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications (KYSATS). KYSATS is the competent authority of the Republic of Cyprus for the recognition of higher education qualifications.


Purpose and Objectives

The program’s purpose and objectives are:

  1. To develop the students’ critical thinking and refine their analytical and decision-making skills.
  2. To provide students an in-depth understanding of the principles, policies, and theories that govern the field of business administration while placing strong emphasis on practical implementation of business fundamentals.
  3. To establish a broad understanding of the business function and its relation to society as a whole as well as the effect of social and political forces on business.
  4. To provide students with the problem-solving skills and tools to begin careers enjoying opportunities for advancement to leadership positions.
  5. To equip graduates with a solid academic, technical, and intellectual background that would enable them to continue their education in high-quality graduate and professional schools.

Intended learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program of study, its graduates will:

  1. Demonstrate critical thinking in examining, analyzing, recommending and applying actions based on business concepts and models to address real-world business issues, through an effectual assessment of global issues facing organizations.
  2. Apply fundamental statistical and quantitative reasoning with the use of conventional and technological tools in systematically collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information to validate evidence-based business decisions.
  3. Demonstrate competency in applying accounting principles and concepts.
  4. Analyse and develop consolidate financial statements, as part of the accounting cycle.
  5. Analyse internal control and audit systems for an organization and make recommendations for improvement.

Credit Requirements

The program requires a minimum of 240 ECTS credits as follows:

General Education Requirements78
Business Core Requirements66
Major Requirements72
Free Electives24

General Education Requirements

Course Code & TitleECTS
ECO101 Principles of Microeconomics6
ECO201 Principles of Macroeconomics6
ENG101 English Communication6
ENG102 English Writing6
ENG201 Advanced English6
FRE101 French Language6
FRE201 French Language II6
GRE101 Modern Greek6
GRE201 Modern Greek II6
HST101 European History6
HST102 History of Cyprus6
MTH101 Mathematics6
MTH102 Statistics6
MTH201 Finite Mathematics6
MTH204 Statistics II6
PHI101 Introduction to Philosophy6
POL101 Political Studies6
PSY101 Introduction to Psychology6
SOC101 Principles of Sociology6

Business Core Requirements

Course Code & TitleECTS
ACC101 Financial Accounting *6
CSC101 Fundamentals of Information Technology6
CSC102 Computer Applications6
CSC203 Management Information Systems6
FIN301 Fintech *6
LAW101 Business Law6
MAR101 Principles of Marketing6
MAR206 Digital Marketing6
MGT101 Principles of Management6
MGT102 Introduction to Business *6
MGT206 e-Business6
MGT302 Organizational Behavior6
MGT315 Business Research6
MGT317 Corporate Sustainability6
MGT401 International Business6
MGT403 Business Policy and Strategic Management6

* Student with Accounting specialization need to take this course.

Major Requirements

Course Code & TitleECTS
ACC113 Management Accounting6
ACC114 Taxation I6
ACC115 Auditing I6
ACC201 Financial Accounting II6
ACC211 Management Accounting II6
ACC212 Taxation II6
ACC213 Auditing II6
ACC301 Management Accounting III6
ACC302 Financial Accounting III6
FIN101 Financial Management6
FIN203 Financial Management II6
LAW202 Business Law II6

Free Electives

The student is free to take any course offered by the College.

Year 1 – Fall Semester

Course Code & TitleECTS
MGT102 Introduction to Business6
CSC102 Computer Applications6
ENG101 English Communication6
MGT101 Principles of Management6
MTH101 Mathematics6

Year 1 – Spring Semester

Course Code & TitleECTS
ACC101 Financial Accounting6
ECO101 Principles of Microeconomics6
ENG102 English Writing6
MAR101 Principles of Marketing6
MTH102 Statistics6

Year 2 – Fall Semester

Course Code & TitleECTS
ECO201 Principles of Macroeconomics6
ENG201 Advanced English6
ACC113 Management Accounting6
MTH204 Statistics II6
General Education Elective6

Year 2 – Spring Semester

Course Code & TitleECTS
ACC201 Financial Accounting II6
CSC101 Fundamentals of Information Technology6
MTH201 Finite Mathematics6
FIN101 Financial Management6
General Education Elective6

Year 3 – Fall Semester

Course Code & TitleECTS
MGT315 Business Research6
ACC211 Management Accounting II6
ACC115 Auditing I6
General Education Elective6
Free Elective6

Year 3 – Spring Semester

Course Code & TitleECTS
LAW101 Business Law6
ACC114 Taxation I6
ACC302 Financial Accounting III6
FIN203 Financial Management II6
Free Elective6

Year 4 – Fall Semester

Course Code & TitleECTS
MGT302 Organizational Behavior6
MGT401 International Business6
ACC301 Management Accounting III6
ACC213 Auditing II6
Free Elective6

Year 4 – Spring Semester

Course Code & TitleECTS
LAW202 Business Law II6
ACC212 Taxation II6
MGT403 Business Policy and Strategic Management6
General Education Elective6
Free Elective6

Effrosyni Andreou

Associate Lecturer
Areas of Teaching: English Language

Andreas Charilaou

Associate Lecturer
Areas of Teaching: Accounting, Finance

Gregoris Gregoriou

Associate Lecturer
Areas of Teaching : Computer Science

Dr Christina Ioannou

Assistant Professor
Areas of Teaching: History

Michalis Ioannou

Associate Lecturer
Areas of Teaching: Computer Science

Yiannis Ioannou

Associate Lecturer
Areas of Teaching: Law

Chrystalla Kazara

Associate Lecturer
Areas of Teaching: Accounting, Finance

Charis Kyriacou

Associate Lecturer
Areas of Teaching: Business

Dr Gregoris Liasis

Assistant Professor
Areas of Teaching: Computer Science

Dr Charalambos Louca

Associate Professor
Areas of Teaching: Economics, Business

Thalia Malekou

Associate Lecturer
Areas of Teaching: English Language

Dr Katerina Mantzouni

Areas of Teaching: Mathematics, Statistics

Charis Millas

Associate Lecturer
Areas of Teaching: Accounting, Finance

Emilia Orphanidou

Associate Lecturer
Areas of Teaching: Marketing, Digital Marketing

Dr Nicos Panayiotides

Assistant Professor
Areas of Teaching: Political Science

Dr Andis Panayiotou

Assistant Professor
Areas of Teaching: Greek Language

Dr Constandinos Papakyriacou

Areas of Teaching: Psychology

Dr Olivia Patsalidou-Kyriacou

Assistant Professor
Areas of Teaching: Sociology

Dr Andreas Petasis

Assistant Professor
Areas of Teaching: Business

Andrie Pouroutidou

Associate Lecturer
Areas of Teaching: English Language

Sophia Pratzioti

Associate Lecturer
Areas of Teaching: Computer Science

Dr Christodoulos Skouroumounis

Assistant Professor
Areas of Teaching: Computer Science

Dr Spyros Theocharides

Assistant Professor
Areas of Teaching: Computer Science

Dr Christina Tsolaki-Patsali

Areas of Teaching: Human Resource Management, Business

Effrosyni Andreou

Position: Associate Lecturer
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, Accounting Officer – Diploma, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, Computer & Network Technician – Diploma, Computer Science – Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science – Diploma, Culinary Arts – Bachelor’s Degree, Culinary Arts – Diploma, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Hotel Management – Diploma, Office Management – Certificate, Office Management – Diploma, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Diploma
Areas of Teaching: English Language

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

BA in English Language and Literature, University of Cyprus, 2018
MA in Language and Communication Coaching, Radboud University, 2019

Andreas Charilaou

Andreas Charilaou

Position: Associate Lecturer
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty
Areas of Teaching: Accounting, Finance

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

Bachelor of Science in Accounting, Intercollege, 2000
Bachelor of Science, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), 2001
Associate, The Chartered Institute of Bankers, 2001
Fellow Member, Certified Accountant, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), 2004
Master in Business Administration, Cyprus International Institute of Management, 2010

Gregoris Gregoriou

Position: Associate Lecturer
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, Accounting Officer – Diploma, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, Computer Science – Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science – Diploma, Culinary Arts – Diploma, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Hotel Management – Diploma, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Diploma
Areas of Teaching : Computer Science

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

BSc in Computer Science, University of Nicosia, 2008
MBA in Management Information Systems, University of Nicosia, 2011

Dr Christina Ioannou

Dr Christina Ioannou

Position: Assistant Professor
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, Computer Science – Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science – Diploma, Culinary Arts – Bachelor’s Degree, Culinary Arts – Diploma, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Hotel Management – Diploma, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Diploma
Areas of Teaching: History

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

BA in History and Archaeology, University of Cyprus, 2002
MA in Ancient Classic Literature and History, University of Paris X-Nanterre, 2003
PhD in Ancient History and Archaeology, University of Paris IV-Sorbonne and Paris X-Nanterre, 2010

Michalis Ioannou

Position: Associate Lecturer
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, Computer Science – Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science – Diploma, Culinary Arts – Bachelor’s Degree, Culinary Arts – Diploma, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Hotel Management – Diploma, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Diploma
Areas of Teaching: Computer Science

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

Diploma in Computer Science, Cyprus College, 2002
BSc in Computer Science, University of Kent, 2004
MSc in Network Centered Computing, The University of Reading, 2005

Yiannis Ioannou

Yiannis Ioannou

Position: Associate Lecturer
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, Culinary Arts – Bachelor’s Degree, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Hotel Management – Diploma, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Diploma
Areas of Teaching: Law

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

Bachelor in Law Literature, 1998
Master in Law, 2000

Chrystalla Kazara

Position: Associate Lecturer
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, BA – Master’s Degree, BA (Distance Education) – Master’s Degree, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty
Areas of Teaching: Accounting, Finance

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

Bachelor of Business Administration, European University Cyprus, 2004
Diploma in Banking Studies, Institute of Banking Studies of Cyprus, 2006
Certified Accountant, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), 2010
Certified Fraud Examiner, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), 2016
MBA, Cyprus International Institute of Management, 2018

Charis Kyriacou

Charis Kyriacou

Position: Associate Lecturer
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree
Areas of Teaching: Business

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

BSc Business Management, University of East Anglia, 2013
MSc Advanced Business Management, University of East Anglia, 2014

Dr Gregoris Liasis

Dr Gregoris Liasis

Position: Assistant Professor
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, Computer Science – Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science – Diploma, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Hotel Management – Diploma, Office Management – Diploma, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Diploma
Areas of Teaching: Computer Science

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

BSc and MSc in Electrical and Computer Technology Engineering, University of Patra, 1996
PhD in Information and Communication Systems, Open University of Cyprus, 2016

Dr Charalambos Louca

Dr Charalambos Louca

Position: Associate Professor
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, BA – Master’s Degree, BA (Distance Education) – Master’s Degree, Computer Science – Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science – Diploma, Culinary Arts – Bachelor’s Degree, Culinary Arts – Diploma, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Hotel Management – Diploma, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Diploma
Areas of Teaching: Economics, Business

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

M.Sc. in Economics, University of Economics in Varna, 1988
Ph.D. in Economics, University of Economics in Varna, 1994

Thalia Malekou

Thalia Malekou

Position: Associate Lecturer
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, Accounting Officer – Diploma, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, Computer & Network Technician – Diploma, Computer Science – Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science – Diploma, Culinary Arts – Bachelor’s Degree, Culinary Arts – Diploma, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Hotel Management – Diploma, Office Management – Certificate, Office Management – Diploma, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Diploma
Areas of Teaching: English Language

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

BA in English Language and Literature, 2006
MA in Education (Special Educational Needs), 2008

Dr Katerina Mantzouni

Dr Katerina Mantzouni

Position: Lecturer
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, Computer Science – Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science – Diploma, Culinary Arts – Bachelor’s Degree, Culinary Arts – Diploma, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Hotel Management – Diploma, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Diploma
Areas of Teaching: Mathematics, Statistics

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

BSc Mathematics, University of Patra, 2010
MSc Mathematics of Computers and Decision Making, University of Patra, 2014
PhD in Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business, 2022

Charis Millas

Charis Millas

Position: Associate Lecturer
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, BA – Master’s Degree, BA (Distance Education) – Master’s Degree, Culinary Arts – Bachelor’s Degree, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Hotel Management – Diploma, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Diploma
Areas of Teaching: Accounting, Finance

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

BSc in Accounting, University of Cyprus, 2000
MBA in Financial Management, Johnson & Wales University, 2002

Emilia Orphanidou

Emilia Orphanidou

Position: Associate Lecturer
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Diploma
Areas of Teaching: Marketing, Digital Marketing

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

BA in Business Management and Communication, Wittenberg University, 1997
MBA in Marketing, Coventry University, 1999

Dr Nicos Panayiotides

Dr Nicos Panayiotides

Position: Assistant Professor
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, Computer Science – Bachelor’s Degree, Culinary Arts – Bachelor’s Degree, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Hotel Management – Diploma, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Diploma
Areas of Teaching: Political Science

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

BA in Mass Media, Panteion University, 2001
MA in International and European Studies, Panteion University, 2004
Bachelor of Political Science and History, Panteion University, 2009
PhD in Politics, Panteion University, 2010

Dr Andis Panayiotou

Dr Andis Panayiotou

Position: Assistant Professor
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, Computer Science – Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science – Diploma, Culinary Arts – Bachelor’s Degree, Culinary Arts – Diploma, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Hotel Management – Diploma, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Diploma
Areas of Teaching: Greek Language

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

B.A. in English & Greek Language & Literature, University of Athens, 1971
M.A. in T.E.S.O.L., Columbia University, 1990
M.Ed. in T.E.S.O.L, Columbia University, 1991
Ph.D. in English Language & Literature, University of Athens, 2003

Dr Constandinos Papakyriacou

Dr Constandinos Papakyriacou

Position: Lecturer
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, Computer Science – Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science – Diploma, Culinary Arts – Bachelor’s Degree, Culinary Arts – Diploma, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Hotel Management – Diploma, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Diploma
Areas of Teaching: Psychology

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

BSc Psychology, University of Nicosia, 2011
MA General/ Theoretical Psychology, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 2014
Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, University of Nicosia, 2022

Dr Olivia Patsalidou-Kyriacou

Dr Olivia Patsalidou-Kyriacou

Position: Assistant Professor
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, Computer Science – Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science – Diploma, Culinary Arts – Bachelor’s Degree, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Hotel Management – Diploma, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Diploma
Areas of Teaching: Sociology

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

BA in Social Policy and Criminology, Τhe University of Hull, 1999
MA in Research and Thesis in Social Policy, The University of Nottingham, 2000
PhD in Social Policy and Administration, The University of Nottingham, 2014

Dr Andreas Petasis

Dr Andreas Petasis

Position: Assistant Professor
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, BA – Master’s Degree, BA (Distance Education) – Master’s Degree, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree
Areas of Teaching: Business

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

BA in Business Administration, University of Sunderland, 1999
MBA in Management and Marketing, Maastricht School of Management, 2003
Certificate in Accounting, The Association of International Accountants, 2007
PhD in Human Resource Management, Northcentral University, 2018

Andrie Pouroutidou

Position: Associate Lecturer
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, Accounting Officer – Diploma, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, Computer & Network Technician – Diploma, Computer Science – Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science – Diploma, Culinary Arts – Bachelor’s Degree, Culinary Arts – Diploma, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Hotel Management – Diploma, Office Management – Certificate, Office Management – Diploma, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Diploma
Areas of Teaching: English Language

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

BA in English Language and Literature, National and Kapodistrian University, 2006
Graduate Diploma in Globalisation and Governance, Brunel University, 2007

Sophia Pratzioti

Sophia Pratzioti

Position: Associate Lecturer
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, Accounting Officer – Diploma, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, Computer & Network Technician – Diploma, Computer Science – Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science – Diploma, Culinary Arts – Bachelor’s Degree, Culinary Arts – Diploma, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Hotel Management – Diploma, Office Management – Certificate, Office Management – Diploma, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Diploma
Areas of Teaching: Computer Science

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

BA in Computer Science, Ionian University, 2008
MSc in International Business, University of Birmingham, 2010
MSc in Information and Communication Systems (System Security), Open University of Cyprus, 2018

Dr Christodoulos Skouroumounis

Dr Christodoulos Skouroumounis

Position: Assistant Professor
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, Computer Science – Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science – Diploma, Culinary Arts – Bachelor’s Degree, Culinary Arts – Diploma, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Hotel Management – Diploma, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Diploma
Areas of Teaching: Computer Science

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering National, Technical University of Athens, 2014
PhD in Electrical and Computer, University of Cyprus, 2019

Dr Spyros Theocharides

Dr Spyros Theocharides

Position: Assistant Professor
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, Accounting Officer – Diploma, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, Computer & Network Technician – Diploma, Computer Science – Bachelor’s Degree, Computer Science – Diploma, Culinary Arts – Bachelor’s Degree, Culinary Arts – Diploma, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Hotel Management – Diploma, Office Management – Certificate, Office Management – Diploma, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Diploma
Areas of Teaching: Computer Science

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

BSc Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus, 2016
PhD Electrical Engineering, University of Cyprus, 2022

Dr Christina Tsolaki-Patsali

Dr Christina Tsolaki-Patsali

Position: Lecturer
Categories: Accounting Bachelor, BA – Bachelor’s Degree, BA – Diploma, BA – Master’s Degree, BA (Distance Education) – Master’s Degree, Digital Marketing – Diploma, Faculty, Hotel Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Bachelor’s Degree, Tourism Management – Diploma
Areas of Teaching: Human Resource Management, Business

Higher education (Qualifications, Academic Institution, Award Year) and other qualifications:

Dip in Banking, Institute of Banking Studies Cyprus, 2007
BA in Business Administration, European University, 2011
Master in Business Administration, Kingston University, 2007
DBA in Human Resource Management, Northcentral University, 2016


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Hope Mpariwa

My experience in Cyprus has been nothing but perfect. The Cypriot warmth and hospitality have been captivating for me, not to mention the sunny weather all around. My instructors have been very helpful enabling my academic success. The theory taught well relates to the real practice, thus, enhancing my knowledge and confidence in my field of study. In addition, the facilities offered by the College, including a state of the art Computer center and library have been useful resources in my learning process.

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I have had a unique experience at the American College. The College has fully met my expectations. I have engaged myself in a lot of activities offered here like the inspiring futsal team. I have also formed great friendships in an encouraging and fulfilling environment.

Christina Sophocleous
Christina Sophocleous
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Christina Sophocleous

Η εμπειρία στο American College για μένα είναι μοναδική. H ποιότητα των διαλέξεων είναι υψηλή. Κάθε μέρα μαθαίνω κάτι καινούριο και ενδιαφέρον. Τα μαθήματα διδάσκονται από καθηγητές που είναι ειδικοί στον τομέα τους. Η οργάνωση του κολεγίου είναι εξαιρετική. Το περιβάλλον είναι πολύ ζεστό και φιλόξενο. Οι καθηγητές και το προσωπικό του American College είναι δίπλα στους φοιτητές σε ότι χρειαστούν και τους στηρίζουν. Το Κολέγιο προσφέρει απογευματινά-βραδινά μαθήματα και αυτό μου δίνει την ευκαιρία να συνδυάζω τις σπουδές με εργασία. Εκτός από τις ικανότητες που αποκτάς, το πτυχίο στη Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων θα με βοηθήσει και στην ανέλιξη που θα ήθελα στο χώρο εργασίας μου. Η μόρφωση που αποκτώ κάθε μέρα με βοηθά να βελτιώνομαι στην εργασία μου, στις επαγγελματικές μου σχέσεις, αλλά και σε προσωπικό επίπεδο. Κάθε μέρα πιάνω τον εαυτό μου να εφαρμόζει στη δουλειά αυτά που μαθαίνω στο Κολέγιο και αυτό μου δίνει ακόμα μεγαλύτερο κίνητρο για να μάθω περισσότερα.

Afroditi Panagi
Afroditi Panagi
Business Administration / Cyprus

Afroditi Panagi

Επέλεξα να σπουδάσω Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων γιατί είναι μία πιο γενική σπουδή που θα βοηθήσει στο να έχω περισσότερες επιλογές σχετικά με το τι να ακολουθήσω πιο μετά. Το γραφείο καριέρας του κολεγίου με βοήθησε, μεταξύ άλλων, στο να ετοιμάσω το βιογραφικό μου και μου βρήκε δουλειά σχετική με τις σπουδές μου στην οποία μπορώ να εργάζομαι και να σπουδάζω ταυτόχρονα. Αγαπημένο μου μάθημα είναι το digital marketing. Θα σύστηνα το American College σε κάποιο φίλο μου για τα προσιτά του δίδακτρα αλλά και για τους καθηγητές του που είναι πάρα πολύ βοηθητικοί.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I receive the Cyprus Government Student Sponsorship?

If you are a Cypriot citizen or a citizen of a member state of the European Union, you have lived with your family in Cyprus for the last 5 years and have an annual gross family income of up to €59,000, you may be eligible to receive the Cyprus Government Student Sponsorship of up to €3.420 / year. You can find out if you are eligible for the sponsorship by contacting officers of the College. The College officers are on hand to help you prepare your application for the sponsorship.

If I have studied at a recognized higher education institution or an accredited higher education program of study, can I receive an exemption from some courses?

Of course, for courses that you have successfully completed you can be exempted from corresponding or related courses. Based on the regulations of the Cyprus Council of Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications, you can transfer credits of up to 50% of the total credits of your program of study you will be studying. This means that for bachelor’s degree that bears 240 ECTS you may transfer up to 120 ECTS.

After I complete this program of study, can I continue to a Master’s degree program of study?

Yes. After you successfully complete this accredited program of study, you can continue in a Master’s degree program.

I have no knowledge regarding this program of study. How difficult will it be for me to begin my studies?

Attending this program does not require knowledge of the subjects of study. Teaching commences with the basics and progresses to the most advanced.

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