Mr Kyriacos Americanos founds a private institute with the name Americanos Tutors. The institute teaches Accounting and English Language with the aim to provide high-quality education that would satisfy the needs of its students.
- Americanos Tutors becomes the first institute in Cyprus to offer tuition leading to the Chartered Institute of Bankers of England qualifications.
- Americanos Secretarial Centre is established and offers its first higher education program of study, the one-year program in Secretarial Studies.

Americanos Tutors starts offering a wide spectrum of GCE ‘O’ and ‘A’ level subjects for the University of London examinations. Its students achieve first places in Cyprus in the examinations of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry and in the typing examinations of the Cyprus Ministry of Education.
Americanos Secretarial Centre is renamed to Americanos College and commences offering its first 2-year higher education programs of study, which they were in Business Studies, Computer Studies, Secretarial Studies, Hotel Management and Travel & Tourism.

The College establishes its first academic links with American universities where its students can transfer the credits completed at the College for pursuing undergraduate studies at partner universities in the United States of America.
Americanos College opens its doors beyond national boundaries and admits its first international students.

The College offers its first bachelor degree programs of study. Some of the bachelor degree disciplines are Business Administration, Marketing, Accounting, Computer and Hotel Management. Since then the programs of study offered by the College grow in terms of quantity and variety of disciplines.
The College registers in the Registry of Private Schools of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education of Cyprus in accordance with the Private Schools of Tertiary Education Law (Law 1 of 1987), which was implemented in 1991.

The College establishes its Training Center. The center aims to serve the training needs of Cypriot organisations and Cypriot professionals through the delivery of training courses designed based on the rapidly changing working environment. All training courses are taught by trainers who are experienced practitioners in their teaching field.
The College starts expanding its academic links with English speaking Universities in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia and Canada. According to the agreements concluded with these universities, our undergraduate students can transfer to these universities on a credit/year for credit/year basis to continue their undergraduate studies and our Bachelor degree graduates can be admitted to their post-graduate programs of study.

Our first programs of study gain accreditation by the Cyprus Council of Educational Evaluation-Accreditation.
Americanos College publishes the first volume of its journal – “The Journal of Today”. The journal is renamed to “The Cyprus Journal of Sciences” in 2005. The Cyprus Journal of Sciences, is a respectful scientific publication of research articles published once a year by the College. It constitutes a forum for displaying contemporary themes and issues. The journal accommodates articles in the areas of humanities and social sciences, pure and applied sciences, economics, tourism and management. The articles are written by academics from various countries. The journal contributes to the development of knowledge and understanding of contemporary trends and challenges. The journal aims to stimulate the production of original research and to provide an academic forum for discussion on prominent issues.

Americanos College offers its first postgraduate program of study, the Master in Business Administration (MBA). The program is operating successfully since then. Every year many of our bachelor degree graduates join our MBA along with graduates of other academic institutions from Cyprus and other countries.
- Americanos College is awarded the Erasmus Extended University Charter 2007-2013. One of the advantages of the Charter is the full recognition of the studies abroad. The Erasmus University Charter provides the general framework for all European co-operation activities a higher education institution may carry out within the Erasmus Program. It is the entry ticket and quality commitment for all Erasmus activities, such as participation in the exchange of students and staff between European academic institutions, as well as receiving funds for multilateral projects.
- Our first Erasmus students from partner European Universities study at our College. Their studies were fully recognized when they returned to their home universities. Additionally, the College hosts a number of guest lecturers from partner European Universities who give very interesting and exciting lectures at our College as part of the Erasmus activities.
- Americanos College commences supplying its graduates with a Diploma Supplement along with their qualification (certificate/diploma/degree). The Diploma Supplement helps to ensure that higher education qualifications are more easily understood, especially outside the country where they were awarded. The Diploma Supplement was developed jointly with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, known as UNESCO, and the Council of Europe.

Americanos College is renamed to American College so that its name is aligned to the fact that the College is offering higher education modelled on American higher education for many years. Although the College name changed, its mission, vision, values and commitment to offering high quality education and servicing its students adequately remained the same.
- Our first postgraduate program of study, our Master degree in Business Administration, gains accreditation by the Cyprus Council of Educational Evaluation-Accreditation. We are now one of only two Colleges in Cyprus that offer accredited master degree programs.
- The college adopts the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). All our curricula and the academic transcripts issued are based on ECTS credits. ECTS makes study programs easy to read and compare for all students, local and foreign. ECTS facilitates mobility and academic recognition. ECTS is the only credit system, which has been successfully tested and used across Europe. All these activities of ours related to the European Union reflect the commitment of American College to continuous development and enhanced academic and professional opportunities for its students, faculty and staff.

The Cyprus National Agency for the Management of European Programs awards American College for its successful student mobility efforts within the Erasmus program.
- American College is awarded the Diploma Supplement Label 2012-2015 by the European Union in recognition of its commitment to the rigorous application of the Diploma Supplement and its proven excellence in the implementation of the Supplement. The implementation of the Diploma Supplement presupposes the correct application of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. American College is the first College in Cyprus to be awarded the Diploma Supplement Label. After 2015 the European Union ceased to award Diploma Supplement Labels.
- The European Union awards to American College the Erasmus University Charter 2014-2020. The Charter allows the College to continue to operate Erasmus activities such as student, faculty and staff mobility and academic and research collaborations with European academic institutions.

The Distance Education Master in Business Administration of American College receives accreditation from the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education. American College is the first and only College in Cyprus to receive accreditation for a Distance Education program of study. Our Distance Education MBA is offered worldwide without any geographical restrictions or time constraints. It offers students the flexibility of studying from anywhere (from their home or from any other location) and at any time of the day over the internet. The program is delivered by utilizing state-of-the-art asynchronous and synchronous learning tools based on modern distance learning educational methodologies.
The European Union awards to American College the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027. The Charter allows the College to continue to operate Erasmus activities such as student, faculty and staff mobility and academic and research collaboration with European academic institutions.

The Bachelor Degree in Business Administration with Accounting specialization of American College is fully assessed by the Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants (ACCA) and is awarded the maximum number of exemptions. This means that the graduates of this program are exempted from the 9 out of the 13 examinations of ACCA. ACCA is a well-known and highly respected professional accounting body in the United Kingdom.